Grow your business without sacrificing family time


The Business Mums © Juggling babies & business!


Don't let ANYBODY tell you that you can't run a successful business AND juggle motherhood.

Join my free Facebook community

The return of the Face to Face events 🎉

After running networking events since early 2023, The Business Mums was built and has grown around these connections and after a few months' break from the in-person events I'm so glad to announce they're back!

Stay tuned for upcoming events listed here.

Upcoming Online Events

Join us each month as we get to know other mums in business through regular networking.

Online events are held via a Google Meet video call, which you will receive the link to upon your ticket purchase. 

*Receive free entry every month to one virtual networking event by joining The Business Mums Club*


Live online networking event



Live online networking event



Live online networking event



Live online networking event



Live online networking event


I hear you... being a mum in business is HARD and LONELY 😢


I personally started my business in 2020 after being made redundant from my job whilst on maternity leave. I then created The Business Mums Community after I got refused entry from a networking event when I had my child with me 💔

The Business Mums Club


per month

What's included in the membership? ⤵️

  • Virtual networking events - meet like-minded mums, just like you, juggling business and children (of all ages)!
  • Guest speakers - each month, you'll have access to at least one guest expert workshop from a range of industries to help you move forward with your business
  • Marketing support - I'll be utilising my 14 years' experience in marketing to help give you marketing support each month to help you navigate the overwhelming world of promotion
  • Downloads - whether it's marketing support, general business support or a resource from a guest speaker, receive a range of downloads
  • Seasonal events - nobody likes being lonely right!? Feel part of a team in our seasonal virtual 'parties'
  • Private members platform - everything for this membership is held inside a secure portal which you can access from your phone, tablet or desktop
  • Content planning sessions - each month, we get together to work through our own social media content. I'll be live too for any Q+A
  • Private group chat - get to know other members and never miss an upcoming event. We also have regular challenges inside the group chat to build business momentum and encourage accountability
  • Cancel anytime - no long-term scary ties here. Cancel anytime yourself inside your private portal
Join Today


When I started my business back in 2020, I had ZERO clue about how to actually run a business...

All I ever wanted was to have one person to ask those little questions to, and have a group of women, going through exactly what I was and building a support network.

This is why I'm so passionate about providing members of The Business Mums Club with the BEST guest experts so they have lifetime access to a range of workshops from all industries.

Imagine logging in to an app on your phone and having instant access to workshops from leadership consultants, marketing experts, personal trainers, bookkeepers, accountants and sooo many more!? 

Nobody should have to go through business alone.

All workshops are pre-recorded and uploaded to your private members portal inside The Business Mums Club

Where it all began...

During early 2023, I was sick of missing out from attending networking events during the day due to having two small children at home. I decided to stop playing the victim and do something about it...
I created The Business Mums; my own child-friendly networking group for other females like myself! 

It start as small in-person child-friendly events and has now grown globally! I've now got an online community of thousands other Mums in Business across the WORLD!

My goals...


I will not stop supporting other Mums in Business until it is seen as perfectly 'normal' for Mumpreneurs to shine!

Starting this business has opened so many doors! I've been in the local papers (numerous times), I've been invited to private meetings with UK financial ministers to voice my opinions on child benefits, childcare costs and more. I've also been personally nominated to visit 10 Downing Street to be thanked by the Minister for childcare for the work I'm doing to help support parents with businesses. 

Imagine a Thriving Business and Quality Time with Your Kids

This is possible with The Business Mums. Pay-as-you-go events or a membership option.

Join our Facebook Group